Bird Summary Justin Trails Resort June 2017

Pack your binoculars! Wisconsin is home to over 300 species of birds (over 400 species have been recorded in the state) and our beautiful eco-friendly resort is the perfect place to spot many of them. We offer a peaceful habitat for our feathered friends with over 200 acres of woodland, ponds and organic farm land.

Bird feeders hang from the eaves of The Lodge for your viewing during breakfast.

barred owl heard in the woodland at Justin Trails Resort, Sparta, WI


At Justin Trails Resort bird counts are performed. A breeding bird count was taken in June, 2017 with a total of 69 bird species identified! Our property hosts 7 species of woodpeckers, 7 varieties of flycatchers, 4 thrush species, 3 vireo species, Scarlet Tanager, and at least 8 warbler species. Owls and raptors can often be seen or heard.

In the spring and summer nest boxes as well as numerous nooks and crannies around the cottages and barns are occupied by avian occupants such as Cliff Swallows, Eastern Phoebes and Eastern Bluebirds. At the conveniently located feeders Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks, Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, Tufted Titmouse and Indigo Buntings can be observed while enjoying breakfast.

Bluebird, Justin Trails Resort, Sparta, WI

Note: The list of birds of Wisconsin includes species documented in the U.S. state of Wisconsin and accepted by the Records Committee of the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology (WSORC). As of March 2017, there are 438 species and a species pair included in the official list.

  • Bird Count: Marty Evanson
  • Date: June 2 at 4:45 AM
  • Location: Justin Trails Resort
  • Checklist:
  • Featured Image: Pileated Woodpecker Sid Hamm
  • Top Image: Barred Owl All About Birds
  • Middle Image: Black-capped Chickadee Audubon Field Guide
  • Bottom Image: Indigo Bunting Audubon Field Guide
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